Research Article

    To evaluate the anti-diabetic effects of Salvia cabulica ethanolic extract on alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ojpp.000020

    Published On: July 19, 2022 | Pages: 007 - 012

    Author(s): Abdul Ghaffar, Marvi, Mohammad Younis, Abdul Wahid*, Shafi Muhammad and Faisal Ahmed
    Abstract View Full Article View

    Controlled release of 5-Fluorouracil by a novel L-Lysine based polyesterurethane material synthesized from Epoxide and CO2 via a novel dicopper salen catalyst

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ojpp.000019

    Published On: January 13, 2022 | Pages: 001 - 006

    Author(s): Arunangshu Kundu, Gobinda Chandra De* and Sushobhan Ghosh*
    Abstract View Full Article View    
    Review Article

    On the anticancer clinical activity of perillyl alcohol and limonene: A critical assessment of the outcomes

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ojpp.000021

    Published On: August 23, 2022 | Pages: 013 - 021

    Author(s): Paula G Santos, Francisco JR Paumgartten and Antonio C Siani*
    Abstract View Full Article View    

